This is a sample data of one subject (I will call him/her subject A. Subject A's personal Information is anonymous due to the Seoul National University Institutional Review Board (SNU IRB) agreement)

1) Sample video

This is the video that recorded the experiment of subject A.

1-1) Media pipeline example

This is the sample video that applies the media pipeline hand-tracking model on real-time ( this video has no relation with the experiment)

MediaPipe Hands 2021-04-27 19-10-48.mp4

1-2) Experiment video

This is the sample experiment video.

Subject A first does sudden grasp several times. Data acquired from sudden grasp motion will be utilized during data processing to synchronize the start time of angle data and EMG data.

Then, subject A does one finger movement (one finger flexion for one second and extension for one second). The data extracted from this video (one finger movement) will be used for train and evaluation data.

Sample video: for training data

Sample video: for training data

And also subject A does random finger movement (randomly choose some fingers for flexion and extension. one second for flexion and one second for extension). The data extracted from this video will be used for test data.

Sample video: for training data

Sample video: for training data

2) Sample EMG & angle data

This is the sample EMG data and angle data from subject A